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ROTARY PEDAL is a collective that brings together over 20 Rotary clubs in Peru (District 4455 of Rotary International), which has organized major cycling events and road safety education campaigns called “Respect the cyclist” since 2015. This year, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, our major event will be virtual, a large congress or forum that will allow us to analyze various topics and workshops, such as a) Road safety education for cycling and pedestrians; b) Infrastructure and 2 regulations for cycling; c) Rotary cycling groups around the world; d) Cycling and health; e) What is Rotary?; and f) cycling for children and adolescents.
We should note it that the objectives of ROTARY PEDAL are: a) to promote the use of bicycles as a sustainable means of transport, b) to promote healthy lifestyles, c) to preserve the environment; and, d) develop Rotary’s public image in our community.
We must point out that the 2019 event included two (2) activities: the first was a major road safety education campaign called “Respect the cyclist” that we organized jointly with the Municipality of our capital, in several main roads in the city of Lima, radio, TV and social media; and the second activity comprised a great family bike ride on the last Sunday of November 2019, on a 35 km route, through various districts of the city (Cercado, Jesús María, Lince, San Isidro, Miraflores, Plaza de Armas de Lima, el Rímac), occasion in which over 1,000 cyclists took part with the official uniform of the event, including various cycling clubs from the capital.